I was going to put a picture but since he is so young I felt kind of weird so you'll just have to click on the link.
Speaking of Stephanie's. My cousin's wife wrote 101 Things to Do With a Cake Mix awhile ago and I love those books (especially the slow cooker ones). Well she has a new one, 101 Things to Do With Chocolate. I picked it up and made the grasshopper ice cream sandwiches. Yum! They have them at Costco right now so check them out ($6.92).
I think some of the casting for that just plain sucks. Carlise - the dude who looks like Tom Cruise and got "called a fag" in "Can't Hardly Wait" is a terrible choice. The Edward pick needs some serious eyebrow thinning to be as handsome as the book says he is. The guy plain James, however...nice.
I don't know how I generally feel about the books being made into movies. Actually seeing some of the pics from the set makes it all more high school-y than how I felt it was when I read them.
Jacob is definitely better looking in the movie...but in my imagination he comes no where near to Edward. He bugged me so bad in the books. I'm not too sure about the casting either, but I'll see the movie anyways.
Sabrina, my sister in law is the co-author of the Slow Cooker ones! (Janet Eyring) How crazy is that?! I love keeping tabs on your blog....I kinda am like a blog stalker. But I thought it was time that I say hi!
Kandis Broadhead
We have two cake books and just got the second slow cooker book last weekend. Didn't buy the top ramen book . . . . yet
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