So this last week we have been sleeping upstairs because we are trying to get Logan to sleep in his crib. He is actually doing all right. I think the biggest problem is his parents are just so tired that he ends up in bed with them at about midnight or 2.
Well last night at 2:45 we were woken up by thunder (this was after we were woken up at 12:30 to a kid screaming that didn't want to calm down). It was so loud and since I was finally asleep it freaked me out because I thought something had fallen on our house (we used to have huge trees right by our house so that was my fear every night). Then it started hailing. I know this because we have this metal pipe that goes to the roof that is in this bedroom closet and you could hear everything that hit it so it was like sleeping in a tent but louder. Then it was lightning and thundering like crazy. Yeah, we don't have blinds in this room so it was very bright in there. Funny thing though, the kid slept through this whole thing.
When I was talking to Tad this morning about it he said, "Last night was really bad." It must have been bad if Tad was saying that because he usually is a lot better with dealing with Logan at night than me.
If you got through all of my complaining here are some photos.

Seriously, Logan is the cutest. I love it. And your pictures are great! Wait until you have four of you in your bed. That's the best. I'm with you though...when they wake up at midnight I'm WAY too tired to go through the whole putting to bed thing all over again.
I love that little pumpkin-nickle face. I too was awoken last night from the thunder and lightening. It was SOOO loud! And when Tug heard that noise he barked for like 15 minutes straight. What a good watch dog we have. Only I know if we really did have intruders he would lick them to death before anything else. :)
The thunder woke me up too and I woke up mad because I thought it was Mike snoring. he he he. Did you know your kid has the cutest baby smile? He smiles with his whole face, its too darned cute.
I heard the rain but not any thunder...
I love that second picture! It is great!
That is so funny how they can sleep through thunder, but dropping a pen on the floor wakes them up! Crazy! The pictures are adorable! Oh, and I would LOVE to come to your scrapbook party, but Mike and I are judging at Lagoon that whole day. Hopefully next time!
Uh, bean, I'm going to give you the tired advice that I wish I had followed the first 40 times someone offered it....give up on the crib, get a bigger bed and let the kid sleep with you. You get more sleep and the kid will be...JUST FINE!!! Mine are only slightly F*&#@d up! ;)
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