D kept asking the leaders, I know there is some kind of trick but can't figure it out. It was so funny.
There was a constant line at the basketball game, thanks to John F.
Even though decorating was a lot of work and I had help from all of the other leaders. We could have never pulled off this activity without all our great volunteers. I even heard that a few of them enjoyed the evening. Below are just some of the volunteers.
Craig was in charge of the putting booth. He also was the one to throw the killer neighborhood tailgate party last Friday. He's helped out the YW before by coming up to girl's camp for the first time ever. He was fun to have at camp and try to eat all the weird things we'd cook up.

This photo isn't very clear but I LOVE IT. It shows John F. and even innocent Nanette (would have thought she would help the youth, lol), trying to entice C to get more tickets.
Sherm was in charge of our prize table where the kids could spend their tickets that they earned.
Ellen helped pass out the donuts. I visiting teach Ellen and she's great. She's helped us out before by teaching the girl's to make pie crusts. She looks so sweet but she was enticing the kids to spend their talents on donuts.
Jackie played all the songs for Name That Hymn and stumped most of the kids.
Ray, the Anti-Blogger was there to help and his game was just jumpin'.
Here's Garrett at the Old Testament game. He was seriously the biggest help. His wife is in YW so he was there to help with the set up (I don't think he knew what he was in for) and I had him running all over the church grabbing tables, chairs, chalkboards and anything else I'd tell him to go get. He was awesome.

You did a fabulous job and we'll hear about this activity for a long time! There were still many comments on Sunday!
Good thing we won't have to do it again any time soon! The kids have it figured out!
Have a great day! By the way, was Twilight better the second time???
I loved seeing all the pictures...I know Ray *the anti blogger* had a great time too....however unlike the kids I don't know if he has quite put 2 & 2 together for the whole thing! :o) Thanks for letting him be a part of it....baby steps are the best for him and this was a great one!
John came home and felt guilty because of how good he was at playing the "devil"! Thanks for asking John to help...it was fun for him to get out and get to know some people a little better from the ward!! Glad it turned out!!
This was a yw activity? Our ward would never even come close to ANYTHING like that. Dang. The decorations look awesome.
Wow - this brings back lots of memories!! Looks like a lot of work, but I'm sure you did a great job!
Looks like an amazing activity. You are so talented. I know who to come to for help if I ever quit teaching dance and end up in a YW calling :)
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