My favorite Mia Maid graduated from high school last Friday. I can say that because when I was in Mia Maids she was my only Mia Maid. I can't believe how fast time goes by and now she is getting ready to go up to the best school ever, University of Utah. She'll probably kill me when she sees this post since most pictures were taken at various girl's camps.
There have been a couple girls that were in her class but only for a short time before they moved so Melissa has always been her class president and usually our stake youth council representative. I know it was never fun having to plan activities with her leaders when she is the only one and having to attend BYC every month but she did a great job at it. She also served on Wood Cross City's Youth Council and got a scholarship for her service. Way to go!

Melissa is fun loving and always up for anything fun. Here is a DDR party the leaders had promised the girls that I can't remember what for. I just know it involved DDR and 7 layer dip.

Here is Melissa as Miss Congeniality at girl's camp. Her Yellowcard shirt also reminds me of the concert I went to with her. Well I should say she went to. Tad and I went but we locked our keys in the car and found out that not even the police could get it open so we were busy during the whole concert trying to get in our car while Melissa was rockin' out at the U.

Here is as Miss Congeniality in 2006. Notice the tears of joy for winning. Hee!

I can't believe this is the only picture I have of the two of us. We were in the bathrooms and Heber Valley Camp getting our facials and flashing our WX gangsta' signs. It's also been fun because Melissa went to the same jr. high and high school as me and had a lot of the same teachers so I could reminisce.

I know Melissa is bound to do great things in her life. I know tuition is super expensive but I hope she will keep it a goal and continue to go to school and finish because I just feel so strongly that girls should have a good education and be able to support themselves. I also hope there are lots of hot boys in her classes for her but she can't get married till she's 28. CL!
1 comment:
Hee hee hee. Love that girl. She's the best.
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