We also watched Jumper. It looked really good and what I watched it was but I have narcolepsy or something because I never stay awake now.
Does anyone know when Summer is going to get here. This is the second week in a row that our YW activities have been rained out. I think it's only cool because I'm not pregnant. Last summer was in the 90s from May 1st until I delivered on October 16th. Maybe it will clear up by tonight.
Now for the riveting part of the post. Here is the crane that I talked about weeks ago that is right outside my window. I know you are probably all ready asleep just reading this. I don't know why but it's so distracting and at least once an hour I think the thing is going to crash into our building. These pictures were the day they were putting it together and it was very windy. I was worried a construction worker was going to be blown off.

Look at the guy climbing up the ladder. He isn't strapped in and when he climbed down he almost tripped on his rope he was carrying. Scary.

This is when they were trying to attach the long arm of the crane and it was very windy.

I agree with your "when is Summer arriving" tidbit! Yeah...two weeks in a row (if it really rains tonight)....we'll see what happens!
See you tonight!
I am TOTALLY excited to have a boy. And yours is definitely one of the cutest ever. I think summer isn't arriving because we forked out the money for central air. I'm seriously done with the cold weather. That crane would distract me if it was outside my window too. I would watch it all day long!
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