1) Logan is crawling and he is into EVERYTHING! It was so nice when he was not mobile and would sit and just play without pulling on cords, turning on the xbox, bumping into everything, hang off of the dishwasher door and eating anything dropped on the floor.
2) They have built a crane right outside of my office window and it's been very distracting. I'll have to load a picture next week. You probably won't find it cool but I've loved watching it just hoping none of the construction guys fall over 12 stories.
Tad's birthday was good. We went to Firehouse on Friday and then watched the lame Jazz game. Saturday he went kayaking with Tim and I had packed them breakfast and lunch full of his favorite junk foods. Saturday night a BBQ at my parents and he got his gifts. Monday we were supposed to do a FFF (Fuller Family Function) but no one checked their emails so we'll postpone it. Instead Tad got to watch his Gossip Girl (he'll kill me for writing that).
Since nothing exciting has happened I thought I'd share some cool things I've found.
On 2peas they have a 12 week course on creating an album for baby's first year. It includes free downloads, instruction, tips and you can go at your own pace.
I've been checking Pioneer Woman's Photography section because they have been having more and more tip on how to improve your photography. Also one of my all time favorite photographers, Jessica Claire, has started to post over there. Today's post is on ISO's and it great for those just learning or a refresher.
Below are some thing I totally love right now.
Anything with polka dots.

1. Walk the sky.., 2. Merry, 3. new*shoes, 4. flower cupcakes 2462, 5. Untitled, 6. Polka dots.., 7. Untitled, 8. welcome to holland, 9. Legend
Love this band especially this song. They play them a lot on XM Radio (that and Miley Cyrus, I swear she has her own channel).
I love this wall color and totally think that one day I'm going to paint my scrap room this color and maybe even do the same desk color. Photo taken by not quite vintage.
Totally loving Flickr right now. There is so much inspiration on there and the most amazing photographers. Here is a link to my favorites on there.
I'm totally lovin' Google Reader. Just load all the blogs you check and it lets you know when they are updated without having to go there everyday. Love it.
I love anything that is a damask print.
Finally like Grey's Anatomy again. Too bad it's over till the Fall/Winter. Was I the only one that thought quite a few of the new couples last night were very weird/awkward (Alex being the weirdest). The only couple I thought was really sweet was the chief and I finally like McDreamy again.

Any craft projects that uses buttons. This one was done by Elsie.
Let me know what you guys are lovin' right now.
And that's all she wrote. I'll try to be a better blogger next week. Have a great weekend!
Apparently I'm loving polka dots right now too... As was watching my teams a Lagoon I realized that like 90% of my costumes have polka dots somewhere! I think I'l do a post about things I'm loving right now. Fun idea!
I LOVE Google reader!! It is the best thing invented! Thanks so much for letting us stay with you the other weekend and for the delicious cinnamon rolls! That made it so much easier than going all the way home. Good luck with your little crawler...fun & busy times ahead for ya :)
I love #7. I actually have some stuff with that pattern on it from Babystyle.com You should go check it out...you would probably like all of there stuff
I love polka dots too. And Grey's for sure. I agree that some of the couples were a little weird...uh...Callie and whats her face? Hello? Totally love McDreamy again too. Finally!!! Good post.
About Logan and his getting into everything . . . . hahaha. That's how they learn. I can tell he's smart or he'd just sit like a lump on the couch. Davey could turn anything on and make it work. He had some sort of intuition even as an infant about how to make things work. Too bad it didn't equate to money . . . lol
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