Okay so these pictures are in reverse order but I'm too tired to switch them. Here is Baby George aka Miles and Logan. Logan thinks every monkey is George or maybe he just thinks anything that looks like a monkey is called George. He loves to play with his cousin, give him kisses, hold him and also step on him. Sorry Miles.

Here are my two of my favorite dinner buddies, Sookie Stackhouse and Jared. Sorry Jared couldn't come up with a creative name.

If you couldn't tell from the earlier picture, Logan was a shark. Tad and I were fishermen. Sorry Tad this was the best picture I could find.

At our ward trunk or treat we had a chili cookoff and Brittany won the Judge's Choice Award. I had her chili and it was very yummy. Different from your regular chili, it was a sweet chili and it had bacon. Yum. I made sure I had Brittany's chili because I honestly had nightmares about this chili cookoff (just think Wendy's chili with the finger in it).

Earlier in the day we had a party with the cloggers. Check out how cute Baby C is. He is only 4 months and he has so much hair like his big sister did. In case you didn't know this is Logan's future brother-in-law and he was Elvis for Halloween.

So that was our Halloween. It was super fun and I didn't really get many good photos so this will have to do. Oh, we did go to this house above Davis Blvd. that was all decked out. It was really cool and next year I'll have to post the address because it was awesome.
Okay that shark costume is like the greatest costume I have ever seen! Where did you find that?
I love the shark. Sookie is so cute and so talented.
Total cuteness. I love him as a shark. Where's the family pic?
I love that you put Sookie on here. Very funny. Speaking of having a meal together, one of these Saturdays you me and Logan are going to go try that plates and palates place on 4th N. You've probably been but I've been wanting to try it.
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