First you had to put on the appropriate pioneer attire. Here's RD putting on his bonnet.
Mike put on his bonnet right on top of his Jazz hat. Not sure if that was for strategic reasons.
Then they had to pick up some lazy pioneer children to put in the wagon. Lucas is traversing through the Rocky Ridge (ropes on the ground that you couldn't run over with the wheels).
This photo's out of focus but I loved it. Joey didn't pick up a lazy pioneer child but a lazy Brandi.
Here's Joey gathering chips for wood (didn't have newspaper for paper mache turds so we made pancakes and spray painted them brown).
There was also a station where they had to shoot the rubber band gun at some pop cans.

I didn't get a picture of them gathering Sego Lily flowers (10 morning glory flowers) but here is Tad walking back from gathering.
It was a fun night and I'm glad we didn't loose any pioneer children through the course. It was touch and go a few times. Then we went and watched fireworks. This was Logan's first real time watching fireworks and when he was actually sitting he would cheer for them. It was really funny and was fun to hear all the kids cheer for the fireworks. Thanks for everyone for making the trek up to Bountiful. I thought it was a lot of fun and think we need to get together more than just St. Patty's and the 23rd.

Thanks for the fun time I can't believe we've been going for 7 years! The obstacle course was hilarious. That picture you have of Joey is right before he threw the "chips" all over me. Notice the evil grin he is wearing! Email me the pics from the night when you get a minute :)
Where do you guys come up with this stuff? A pioneer course? Awesome!! I love the brownie face Logan. So cute!
Thanks for the great night. It was a blast!
Bina . . . your wagon looks hilarious. Seriously . . . you have some of the best ideas out of anyone I know. Too funny. You guys look like you had such a good time. See I knew I felt that pang of jealousy for a reason. :)
Looks like so much fun! Loving Logan's hair! Do not cut! Do not cut!
Is Logan canoodling with Acelin in that picture???
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