I know I've been gone for awhile. I've been gone for several reason.
1) When doing this diet you absolutely have no life because the hour you have a day to yourself I was spending exercising.
2) I've been taking home a lot of "homework" that I've been working on.
3) Nothing interesting going on because I've been doing the above two items.
Well the last week and a half I haven't been doing too good on the diet. I was down 4.5 lbs. on the 15th, which I guess would be 11% of my goal to lose. Also another thing that will motivate me to get back on the bandwagon was getting my picture taken for work. OMG! That was absolutely horrible. Why didn't anyone tell me I was that fat? Seriously don't answer that one. If you haven't gotten your picture taken I totally recommend it but it's totally depressing but now I know what I actually look like. Yikes.
The Tad finally joined Facebook. I think he saw that I was friends with all of his good friends that he wanted to be on there too. So go be Tad's friend

Logan is OBSESSED with Elmo. It's completely replaced Thomas. I'm okay with that because he's learning stuff which he wasn't with Thomas. He now counts to three. Also each morning I know he's awake, not by crying but because he's whining for Elmo. He does that until we go get him out of bed and start the video.
Love this photo I took last night that was a happy accident. I love that everything is blurry but Logan's face. He really is such a funny kid right now.