It seems like lately a lot of friends are moving out of state. I keep saying that if I lived out of state I'd totally take advantage of all the cool things to see and pretty much be a tourist in my own back yard. Well I'm still in Utah so I guess I should practice what I whine about.
Also I was reading on Ali Edward's blog about making sure you remember to live. I love the quote she used in the post.
ANNA QUINDLEN : Life is made of moments, small pieces of silver amidst long stretches of tedium. It would be wonderful if they came to us unsummoned, but particularly in lives as busy as the ones most of us lead now, that won't happen. We have to teach ourselves now to live, really love the journey, not the destination.
I don't know anyone who isn't busy but I strongly believe that you totally have time for the things that are important to you. I think people some times forget what is important. I want to fill Logan's childhood (heck, who am I kidding I want to fill up my memories) with memories of doing fun things and not always filling it with projects around the house.
I came up with a list of items I want to complete this summer. They are all fun things. I'm hoping to make it into a small scrapbook but that might be awhile since I've been so busy living and gardening (which I'm so in love with more so than usual).
One of our first stops was Ensign Peak. I've been there with YW but Tad and Logan had never been there. It's so short anyone can do this one. Logan did the whole thing himself except for a short section at the top. He absolutely loved it. You don't really do this hike to see the scenery on the way up because it's not all that pretty but once at the top the view is amazing.

It's been a long time since I've gone up there. I need to go again - especially with my boys. I have a friend who has been "touring" Utah with her family. I should try to get a list from her of all the cool places they have visited and plan to visit and pass it along to you.
I can't even tell you how much I love this post.
#1- My biggest pet peeve in life is blog posts like this "busy busy busy!!!"...or when I ask someone how they are and they say "so busy!" Duh. Everyone's busy.
#2- Logan looking for Bageera all the way up? SO FREAKING CUTE!!
We will definitely be doing Ensign Peak as a family...maybe even next week!
I like it! It is smart what you are doing...Utah has so much to offer. It literally took me getting out of Utah to break the cycle of habit and get out and have fun. There is a ton to do out here in Kansas City...but honestly, I think Utah had all the same stuff. should send your list to Cydney. I know she is looking for fun stuff to do :)
I will be back in Utah next week for about 10 days. I will be coming to church. See you there!
That wisteria is amazing - and Logan is SO CUTE
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