Also I'd planned on reading the Old Testament this year. The night before I got my calling I was working on some bookmarks that would correlate with the Sunday School requirements but also have all the other chapters too. Yeah it doesn't work out that way. So after I had the worst headache and then got my new calling I made these cute bookmarks with our Stake's theme for the year. With my new calling I don't have to feel guilt that I'm behind with Sunday School because I get a do over. Sweet. I also have a couple leftover bookmarks if someone wants one at church.
I'd love one!!!
Can I have one 'Brina??? Thanks! I still have your bookmark that I borrowed to copy...so we'll make a trade?? Thanks!
I'm in the same calling! It's only been 3 months but I LOVE it already =) Primary rocks!
Look at you all important in your ward. Don't you feel too young to have such important callings?
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