So it probably isn't a treasure but I've been cleaning house and rather than throwing these things away I thought I'd see if anyone was interested. If there are multiple entries I'll randomly pick a winner.
So I was cleaning out my scrap room and found a kit for an Olympic layout. I just finished scrapping all my Olympics stuff so I can't use this layout at all. This is just a photo of the completed layout. It's kind of old school but everything is there to make this layout and it retailed for $6.00 circa 2002-2003.
To enter - post your favorite Winter Olympic event? 
Here's a stamp set I bought and never used. Haven't even opened the package.
To enter just list your dream vacation? 
Here's a desk I had in my scrap room and it's just too small (my room not the desk) to have in there.
To enter: you just have to be able to come pick up this desk. Hey this desk has wheels on it you could drag it behind your car if you don't have a truck.

Another stamp set I've never even opened the packaging.
To enter: Tell me what your favorite flower is?
Okay so this cross stitch I've had since high school. It's partially finished and comes with all the thread and instructions. I found it recently and thought I'd finish it but it's just not my style anymore. If you'd like it it's yours. Note: it does not have that frame that's just the picture.
To enter: Let me know of a project you started and never finished.You can enter to win all of them. I just want to get them out of my house. Later this week I'll have another giveaway. I'll pick the winners Thursday night.
My dream vacation would be 6 months in Paris, followed by 2 months in South of France. Migrating Easterly to Italy - Firenzi, Venezia, then South to Rome, and Isle of Capri. Then, I'll make my way to Tahiti for a couple of months by way of Austrailia and New Zealand. I'll stop in Maui on the way home, with another stop in San Francisco. I think that should take one year or more. Sound good?
I have way too many dream vacations! But if I had to pick one today I would lobe to go to Paris.
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