This whole weekend was filled with lots of work and projects. As I was downloading the photos though we also had a lot of fun too. We invited over a bunch of our neighbors for a BBQ Monday night. Kind of a different BBQ since most of the men had to run and help the YM take down the flags in the city but the girls still had fun chatting about everything and anything.
I downloaded these free cute cupcake toppers that I found from
Janna Wilson’s blog (she seriously has the most creative scrapbook/crafty ideas on her blog) which she pointed to from
Bella Grace Party Designs.

I also put all our drinks in Logan’s wagon and filled it with ice. So easy to put them away and drag a bunch of other things back to the house when the party was over. Totally recommend that idea for your next BBQ.

This is how we keep Logan from getting into stuff.

I also had to put to use all those felt mustaches so I made a quick back drop out of the doors in the corner of our yard. The
pennant garland came from
Creature Comforts. There are also matching cupcake toppers on the free download. Then I made a lolly that I found from
Country Living’s site here.

Cami wasn't interested in getting her photo taken.

We miss having the R family at church each week. I miss seeing their smiling faces and Logan flirting with Phebe each week.

Notice Mike's creative use of the faux mustache since he all ready has facial hair.

After we got a photo of everyone we did sparklers. Poor Logan wouldn’t wear shoes so he stepped on a piece of burnt sparkler and burnt his toes. I used
these cute sparkler cards from
Twig & Thistle. They were so easy to put together.
How do you have time to be so awesome! You amaze me!
Logan please stop growing! Pretty please with sugar on top?!?
Thanks again for the invite. It was really fun. My boys love your back yard. Wish Brittany could have come, too.
You KILL ME!!! Everything you do is so so so cute! Why can't you post the stuff you're going to do before you do it so I can copy you? Or at least email me about
Um, The "R" family MISSES the Fuller's too! It was so good to see you and spend more than 5 minutes with you guys! Thanks for the invite! We all had a great time! Thanks again 'Brina!
We loved the should become an annual tradition! My girls also LOVED your backyard! Thanks for the invite.....I forgot to get the dress up stuff too! My brain I tell ya...this week!
DARLING party (as usual). I see that the moustache props are getting some mileage. :)
I love your parties, Sabrina! It was fun chatting with the ladies and letting the kiddos run free.
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