I absolutely love my yard this time of year. I stepped outside and it smelled so good. We have several trees that are blooming plus all the lilacs are blooming. If you've never smelled lilacs you have to, it's my favorite scent. Also everything is just so green. I love it. It's not a fun time for Tad. He's allergic to everything. It also looks like Logan has allergies too. This was taken Easter Sunday in front of our walnut tree.

We recently got a bike trailer so we can go down to Legacy Parkway with Logan. He loves to be outside as much as possible and thought he'd love this. So far we haven't been able to use it much due to very busy schedules and rain. Hopefully this weekend will be nice and sunny and we can go for a ride.

Here is Logan with his cousin Savannah.

I always wanted one of those trailers! Looks like a lot of fun for the summer! Your getting warmer on the Easter pics....almost there!
Post them already!
Love that you posted ONE Easter picture. Sucks about the allergies. My girls have them bad, I feel for you.
Logan is the cutest guy ever. And it sounds like he is really good natured. Good job. I heard or read that you should plant a double row of lilacs of all varieties along your 100 hectare yard(look it up), and the blooms last from early spring for several months. You've done so much with that yard and house.
We have had a bike trailer since last summer and have never used it! I know Addy would LOVE it. Maybe if I show Mike this post, this will inspire him to get his butt going on fixing our bikes!!
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