My SansDisk Sansa Fuze. I love it because it has radio and I can record off the radio. I haven't loaded any songs on there yet because I really need to overhaul our home computer because I'm sure it will crash if I add another program but I'm loving the record feature so I have my favorite songs on the radio on there right now. So far it's proving to be sturdier than an iPod which is good since I'm so clumbsy and broke mine years ago.

The next one is just the view from my window that I'm so glad Key Bank Tower isn't there anymore so I can have one. Also the laptop that I all ready miss because I did a ton of work on that thing at home. Okay maybe it is a good thing I don't have that anymore.
I brought in these lilacs when they were in bloom for some aromatherapy. They smelled so good and I'm sure they helped me get through the stressful days. Hee!
Even though I've been away from Logan a lot, it's been a good thing too. He is such a mama's boy but now he totally gets along with Tad and I think he now prefers him so this is a very good thing for the upcoming month to come.

I love that you still have that note! I am just going through mental gymnastics trying to think of something funny to say about your work picture post...
Your funny! Good for Tad to pick up the slack! Hope you get a break soon!
I love the mirrors in your office that you inherited from a para that left S&W in 2004. Those lilacs look soooo fragrant; I wish I had them right by me right now. So are you using mental gymnastics to handle your workload overload? That picture of Logan bowling is great. Cute little guy - getting bigger and bigger.
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