Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Bow Ties with Tomatoes, Feta, and Balsamic Dressing

Monday, September 28, 2009
PSA - Go see the leaves.

Let's see can't think of another leafy thing to say. I've been watching Freaks & Geeks and it's hilarious. I want to just kiss Sam Weir, he's such a cute little brother. Okay that was out there but if you watch the show hopefully you'll understand what I mean.

Look more red leaves.

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Labor Day & The Fair

We then went around to see all the animals. Logan hated all the animals but the chickens. Might be because they didn't smell so bad, weren't trying to eat him, he's bigger than them or our neighbor had 4 chickens Logan would watch all the time. Anyways, the fair was a lot of fun even though it sounds like I hated it. I can't wait till next year to see what amazing things they are selling and to see the crowds. I'm going to try to talk Tad into maybe wearing 'costumes' next year so we fit in more with the crowd. ;)
So this post is all ready unbelievably long but I'm so excited for new tv. I'm shocked I'm saying that because I didn't watch tv all summer except my Netflix movies and I didn't miss it at all but I after watching Vampire Diaries I'm reading for it to be on. Did anyone else what Vampire Diaries? What did you think (come on Bev I know you watched)? I'm so into vampires right now so I loved it. No, my obsession with vampires has nothing to do with Twilight.
Just curious, which show are you most excited to see new episodes?