Friday we had a party at the Mitchell's. Lots of good food and great stories from Kim. Kim's an ER nurse so lots of interesting stories.
Saturday had the cloggers up for a party. Joey was in town so we got to see him for a little bit. I'm so excited that he is finally done with dental school this spring so maybe we'll see him more often. Here's a shot of some of the group.

Here is some of the food. I thought this looked so yummy, Gary did a good job of making a plate for his wife.

The adults exchanged white elephant gifts. There were some real winners like some solar vinyl shorts. Here we are all ready to exchange gifts. Addy if you look carefully you can see the new haircut.
Liz ended up with the wooden tulips from Holland. Those that don't know the story, I was in Amsterdam and we'd passed this tulip stand but I wasn't sure I wanted the tulips. So it's time to get on the bus to leave and I decide I wanted these tulips. Lucas was so nice and walked the mile back with me to get them and run back to the bus. Funny thing is I've never used them and they've just sat in boxes. Hopefully Liz can use them more than I did. We gave them several suggestions of where they could use them. ;) Can't wait for your Arbor Day party.
Here is cute little Emery. She is a little feisty one.
We piled all the kids on the couch to get some pictures. Depending on who your kid is one of these is the best picture of the dozen or so I took. Also Brandi you'd be so happy there is enough here for a precision team. Hee!

The adults exchanged white elephant gifts. There were some real winners like some solar vinyl shorts. Here we are all ready to exchange gifts. Addy if you look carefully you can see the new haircut.

Someone brought some brownie things that were dipped in chocolate then candy cane crumbs on the outside. I need a recipe. I tried one because Blakely was going to town on them and they are SO GOOD. So if you brought them could you please share the recipe.
Sorry we couldn't come!! We had tickets to the Nutcracker. Looks like you had a blast and had some GREAT food. Hey, if you get that brownie recipe, post it on your blog - that sounds so good!!
Thanks again for another great party. Sorry I had o bail early and take Joey with me. I'll get started on the choreo for that precision routine. What a cute couch full of kiddos!
Who is playing the violin? I heard you had a new a-line hair cut and work for the big wig at S&W. It looks cute. I'll bet you're light headed :)
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