Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fall Cleaning

Does anyone else have the bug? I've been cleaning like a mad women and dejunking. Just wondering if anyone else out there is doing the same. It's been crazy but I'm loving that I'm getting rid of so much stuff (ie. 7 bags of clothes, 6 bags of crap to the DI).

Also I'm so glad Miss Teisha registered in Florida. I'm seriously so jealous that she gets to vote in one of those few states where the race isn't pretty much decided. Now I just need to talk her into coming out to visit.

Also here was my little slap in the face on Tuesday. So I got ditched for lunch with my dad so I run over to the food court. Nope, it would be closed for demolition. I knew it was coming mid October but this was 10/6. So now there is no where to eat within 2 blocks. Nice. I can't wait till 2012 when this project is done.


Keeping up With the Boys said...

Will you come and clean my house, cause I definitely do NOT have the bug. Wish I did...

Is the food court really closed for good now???

bevany said...

Seriously...I don't think I've EVER had that bug. My house is definitely available for you to clean. 2012 seems like forever to wait to eat lunch again.

MH said...

WOW . . . 2 city blocks is a long way to go. Rich employer should buy a bank of scooters so you can scoot somewhere to eat. I guess you can take Trax to Gateway. Anyway . . . I, like the Williams Family, would like you to come clean out our house. Bring a front loader and dump truck.

Anonymous said...

I sure wish I had the "bug" and wanted to clean! My poor husband and house!

Kirsten said...

we should dejunkdify our houses together, because I have that same bug. Oh and I'm just waiting to see cake eating pictures...anytime now. :)