Monday, August 22, 2011

All Good Things Come To An End

In case you haven't been to the splash pad in NSL 3 trillion times this summer you better get on it. I noticed that it closes on Labor Day so now you've been warned.

In case you don't know where the splash pad is it's in Foxboro North. Go down 2600 South in Bountiful that turns into 1100 North in NSL. The splash pad park is located right before Legacy Parkway on 1100 North.


MH said...

I can't believe how much you get out even though you have a little one. I'll remind Logan about how good you are in a few years ;) - DH

Diane said...

We took all the grandkids there last month when they were in town. They loved it.

Erin said...

We've been a few times since I saw you. We love it. Thanks for the info.