Friday, February 4, 2011

Heart Cake

Isn't this the cutest cake ever. I'm not a baker at all but I might have to try this with yellow cake mix and chocolate frosting (The Tad's favorite). He'd love me forever (shouldn't he all ready?).
Photo and tutorial are from I Am Baker.
If any one tries this send me a picture or sample.


a&e drumm said...

I saw this on the channel 5 show...looked interesting.

bevany said...

Very cute. I'd have no idea how to attempt such a thing.

Mike and Mindy said...

Love your blog. I don't read it as often as I would like, but you are a great blogger. Really! I am jealous of the cute skiing pictures of Logan and Miles. NO FAIR. We have a little "mountain" here and we will train the kids up so that when we move back they can try and keep up with yours.

Which by-the-way, WOOHOO!

Miss you guys! xoxo Mindy

Looking forward to hearing your commentary about this Sunday's amazing race!

comic said...

very nice..

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the brain storms. It has been fun to let it all hang out. This was a no-holds-barred mental jamboree that will be missed.
Wedding Dress
Very nice , I shall try..
Well deserved! I really enjoy your blog and am impressed by your finds. Keep it up!