Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Calling

Well I didn't get much of a break at all. I was called as the Primary Secretary. I think it will be totally different pace compared to the last calling except this last week was a little crazy. I had the monthly report to do plus over half the teachers were gone and only one member of the presidency was there. So I'm hoping there aren't many weeks like last week but so far I'm really enjoying my new calling.

Also I'd planned on reading the Old Testament this year. The night before I got my calling I was working on some bookmarks that would correlate with the Sunday School requirements but also have all the other chapters too. Yeah it doesn't work out that way. So after I had the worst headache and then got my new calling I made these cute bookmarks with our Stake's theme for the year. With my new calling I don't have to feel guilt that I'm behind with Sunday School because I get a do over. Sweet. I also have a couple leftover bookmarks if someone wants one at church.


Sheri Wojtasek said...

I'd love one!!!

Jenefer said...

Can I have one 'Brina??? Thanks! I still have your bookmark that I borrowed to we'll make a trade?? Thanks!

Katey said...

I'm in the same calling! It's only been 3 months but I LOVE it already =) Primary rocks!

bevany said...

Look at you all important in your ward. Don't you feel too young to have such important callings?