So keep in mind I haven't bought glasses in a decade. So I have an eye appointment yesterday, after I'm all excited to go to Costco and pick out some glasses. Uggh, have you looked for glasses lately? While Tina Fey and Ali Edwards may look great in glasses like these not everyone does. Right now I'm thinking my glasses that are missing one of the ear pieces in better than the choices I found.
The alternative is either lesbian, kooky grandma or Sarah Palin glasses. No thanks.
If anyone has any advice on selecting glasses I'd appreciate it.
Buying new glasses is so hard! I just go t new ones and it seemed like torture. My only advice - if you finds a pair you THINK you like, get them. It's taken me a bit to get used to mine, but now I actually do like them.
Oh, and you're kinda going to have to go with the trends in glasses, even if it feels all wrong.
Ha ha ha...I don't wear glasses, but my neices and nephews have recently gotten them and they are all the "tina fey" style. I think they're cute, but they don't go with everything. I'm taking Keigan to the eye dr soon and I have a feeling if she needs them she'll be going tina fey. I say just get lasik.
My suggestion is contacts. I wear contacts and I have glasses just in case, but I prefer contacts. Sorry I am probably not much help. Hope you find something you like.
You could always go for Harry Potter glasses or some Dwight Shrute frames. And then for sunglasses, I think you should get some Ray Bans with prescription lenses so you can be like Ed/Rob. Hot.
Have you tried Target? That's where I got mine last summer. Of course, I don't wear them often so perhaps I do look like Sarah Palin in them.....
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