Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Santa Visit

It's amazing how much can change in a year. Here is last year's visit.
Then here was this year's visit.


Melanie said...

Logan is famous! He was picture #1 out of 206 when I just looked on ksl :) Poor guy...Mason did the same thing!

bevany said...

Oh man, that is awesome. Poor kid!

Teisha said...

Too funny! Those ones are the best! By the way the bling was special for you!

Teisha said...

Loved your card! You are a liar it is awesome!

Sheri Wojtasek said...

Love it! It's cute for our sakes but poor Logan! :o) Happy New Year to you guys!

The Ray Family said...

It's crazy how fast they change! Can you believe we have 3!?