Friday, August 29, 2008

Please answer

I have a bunch of questions and would love it if you'd answer them.

-What is your favorite hike to do in the Wasatch Front area (no Southern Utah/Moab stuff)?

-Is there anything fun happening this weekend (besides Swiss Days)? Curious because we're stuck in town with nothing to do except our awesome Hampton Style Pool Party Monday night.

-What were some of your favorite Young Women activities growing up?

-Any tips on how to actually plan meals and follow through with making them? I usually print a calendar and plan my meals out so I only have to grocery shop once a week but by the 1st or 2nd meal I'm done cooking and fall off the bandwagon. My goal for September is to cook more (it was also my NY Resolution, like every year).

-What tv show are you most looking forward to returning? Mine is Chuck.

-What are some of you favorite exercise videos?

-How do you keep a 10 1/2 month boy sleeping through the night and not waking up at 1:00 AM or 4:00 AM wanting to just get up and play with his toys?

The following song came on while driving home from YW the other night. I'm sure I've heard it before but I thought it was so funny I had to share. Totally describes teenage girls and how they think about boys.


Brek said...

1. - My favorite Hike is from my house to The Apple. It is slightly uphill but the view from the soda machine is breathtaking.
2. - There is the Ball Family Reunion this weekend, which I am attending sans-husband. We will be attending the Eastern Idaho State Fair, which is the best for weirdo-watching.
3. - My most memorable YW activities weren't always the best ones. There was one cheesy one where we went to some ladies house and put on wedding dresses and had our pictures taken and had a lesson about being worthy for a temple marriage. I still have my framed (yes, they framed it for us) picture at my mom's house.
4. - I have totally been into freezer meals lately. I bought Jenny Stanger's recipe book ( I am stocking up my freezer so that I can start pulling meals from there and not cooking from scratch every night. So far I have made Calzones (and froze 2 lbs. of pizza dough from that), potstickers (froze half of the batch - about 30 potstickers), and mozzarella-stuffed meatballs (my crew ate them all so there were none to freeze). I've also tried to incorporate leftovers at least one night a week (that is hard because I hate leftovers).
5. - Lost. And I admit it, Biggest Loser since I have to wait for Lost.
6. - Power 90 and P90X - I could hook you up if you're interested.
7. - Put some Benadryl in his night time bottle. Kidding. No help on this one - I've always had good sleepers.

Lettie B. said...

1 - I mostly have hiked peaks, but the short hike it seems we do most often is Red Pine/White Pine or is it Pines?
2 - no clue, sorry.
3 - I always LOVED the lip synching. We'd make music videos on the stage and the leaders would video tape. We'd watch it after with root beer floats or something. Oh, and the leaders MUST do one too! I will try to think of more and email you. Oh, I also actually really enjoyed service projects.
4 - I do what you said you do and it works for me. Sunday night or Monday morning I plan out the week and then go grocery shopping. EVERY week we have pizza. I'd say make sure in your planning you give yourself a night off. Either get take out or pizza or make Tad cook.
5 - The Office and Friday Night lights and 30 Rock
6 - Favorites to watch or actually do? Ha ha!I had A Reebok Powerblast one on VHS that I thought was great. It was full body for sure. I have a Denise Austin Pilates for Every Body that I do sometimes. She drives me nuts, but the routine is pretty good. MY absolute favorite is very old school (and I guess they have made new versions recently). It's called Callentics and it is sort of like a pilates sort of work out. You will be so sore the next day if you do it right. The tape is annoying to watch, but I have it memorized so I just do it while watching TV.
7 - Ignore the 1 am wake up. (Maybe you do and if that is a case, I have no suggestions)Have you read On Being Babywise?

Katey said...

OK here goes-
1- My facorite hike is Adams canyon. It's pretty easy and not to long to do with kiddos. and you get to see a waterfall
2- IDK. If something interesting happens let me know! :o)
3-My most memorable YW activites were making quilts. We made tons and tons and then took them down to the Road home in SLC. Did you know that every homeless person leaves with a blanket. They need lots and lots.
4- I always plan 3 or 4 easy meals. Like BLT's or eggs for dinner. And then 2-3 nicer dinners. It helps to have meals that only take 10-15 minutes to prepare. and sometimes less is more right?!?!
5- Grey's Anatomy!
6- I love the Gunner Peterson videos! They are great! And man do you hurt after your done. That's how you know they work. buy them on ebay they are lots cheaper.
7- It sounds really mean but you need to let him cry it out for a night or two. It's hard so do it on a weekend when you can nap. Lexi was the same way and at 10 months I finally just stopped going in for her. It also helps (if you don't do this already!) to let him get himself to sleep at nap time and bed time. That means putting him in his crib and crying or playing himself to sleep. The 1st child is always harder cause you don't want to let them cry. But they have to learn to comfort themselves at night. My dr. said by 6 months they should be sleeping through the night, and if they aren't its because they haven'
t learned to get themself to sleep. Good luck!

Kirsten said...

Favorite Hike: Dog Lake (because it has a muggy pond at the end for the dogs) and the trail actually allows dogs off leash.

Weekend events- Sheepdog Herding Championships up at Soldier Hollow.

Most Memorable YW Activity: Call me on this one...we can give each other ideas.

Meals: Buy groceries for the whole week with certain dishes in mind then whoever gets home first, they MUST start the cooking. Get Tad involved in this too.

TV Show: Prison Break

Workout Video- Power 90 Although I haven't worked out for the past 3 1/2 months.

KID SLEEPING- I got nuttin' honey...but you sure will have ideas for me come here in about 6 months. :) However, I'm sure Nikki has got some ideas for you. :)

Teisha said...

My favorite hike you have already posted about. (twin lakes)

I am doing a 5k in the am and the surf is suppose to come up this weekend thanks Gustov! Want to come?

I don't know if these activities were my favorite but I think they were the most useful. We had some of the YM teach us how to change a tire. Mind you this was the pre-cell phone days. The other one I wish my ward would do is to teach the girls proper babysitting etiquette!

I am the worst meal planner,no tips for you!

Chuck and Greys Anatomy

The Firm

As you know my kids never were good sleepers, so good luck!

bevany said...

Good grief. Let's see if I can remember the questions:
1- I'm not too familiar with hiking close to home. I'll have to ask my husband for you.
2- We will probably be at Cherry Hill this weekend.
3-My yw president taught me how to drive a stick one night.
4-I'm the worst cook ever. I plan two weeks at a time (which includes several duplicates) and only buy groceries to cook those meals.
5-Seriously, there's so many. Grey's Anatomy, Lost, The Office, Gossip Girl, Chuck, pretty much anything new.
6-I don't work out.
7-Sorry, no help here. It takes a while to get my girls to sleep, but once they are out, they are out. How about no night light in his room, then he can't see his toys!
Good idea for a post!

Brandi said...

I can't answer all of your questions (mostly due to lack of experience) but here is what I have
1. Favorite Hike - It's more of a drive then a walking trail, but I love taking the Alpine Loop up to Cascade Springs
2. My roommates are both out of town this weekend so the fun SHOULD be people coming over to entertain me. I have a fire pit and stuff for smores!(hint hint)
3. Clogging was my YW when I was growing up, but when I did get to go I loved going on video scavenger hunts and crazy activities like that.
4. Cooking for 1 sucks, so I don't cook at all. No help for you here.
5. I workout with Gunnar Peterson Core Secrets DVD's. You don't feel like you are getting a workout until you try to get up the next morning. OUCH!
6. No clue on the sleepless child thing. Sorry!

Brandi said...

Oops... double comment post. I forgot to say that I can't wait for Grey's, The Office, and LOST to come back on!

a&e drumm said...

1 - I don't have one. I've heard donut falls is easy. My sister wants to do lake blanche sometime but she's says its pretty hard.
2 - Nothing
3 - I didn't go to YW much cuz of dance but we had a combined activity where you did the olympics and would shoot as many baskets as you could or stuff as many marshmellows in your mouth as you could and everyone seemed to like that. When I was a leader we made bracelets for their yearly bday party which is easy to do and they liked that.
4- I basically buy all the basics and stay stocked with them so I can make whatever I feel like because if I plan I won't like what I planned for that day when I go to make it.
5 - Pushing Daisies
6 - I bought the Giami or something like that pilates. It's alright. I kind of get bored with it though. How about Taebo that was always somewhat entertaining.
7 - Let him cry it out. When Acelin turned 6 months we did that. She cried for over an hour the first night but after a couple of days she started sleeping through the night.