Also if you want to watch some great tv shows that are no longer on or on hiatus check out - Veronica Mars. I fell in love with show two summers ago and I still am sad it's no longer on. Also maybe we named our son Logan after Logan Echolls (okay we didn't but I wouldn't have minded).
Or How I Met Your Mother - Mike N. introduced it to us and I still need to rent season 1 because I've never seen it but it is seriously one of the funniest shows on tv. It's legendary.
Or 30 Rock - Mike N. also got me to watch this. I'd watched it just wasn't that into it but after the episode about the Black Crusaders I totally loved it. Oh and also the fact that Kenneth is a clogger.
I need to watch Arrested Development this summer because every raves about it and I think I've had 5 people tell me to watch it.
Arrested Development is another of Mike's faves. We have the DVDs if you want to borrow them. I'll admit it makes me laugh.
I agree with the you must watch Arrested Development group! It is not everyone's kind of comedy (it's smart funny). I LOVE IT!!!
Also, maybe you already are into Flight of the Conchords, but if you have never seen it, that's another TV show that is good to go snag from Blockbuster or the library. Very quirky and fun.
LOL! I'm laughing just thinking about Arrested Development. I just watched season 3 and I'm thinking about starting all over again with season one. LOVE IT!
Okay, why isn't 'So you think you can dance up' there? That is the BEST summer show ever!! But I have been wanting to see the Japanese game show one. I'll try it out.
Arrested Development is the best. Seriously there were times I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. It takes a few episodes to get used to the humor though. Love 30 Rock and love How I Met Your Mother. I am a little disappointed in you though for watching Veronica Mars. Seriously?
Arrested Development is great. It seems to be the consensus here. Also love 30 Rock. Tina Fey rocks or rules or whatever. I really like The Closer on TNT which airs new episodes in the summer. July 14is The Closer marathon leading up to brand new Episode 1 of Season 3.
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