So I've decided I'm going to be the coolest 80 year old ever. I all ready love doing genealogy and gardening so I'll totally be the coolest. One of the lectures I went to I was the youngest one there by 40 years.
I went to two different garden lectures this week. One was super depressing and on ponds. If you don't know we have a 1/2 acre lot and we found a pond in our yard (it was buried). So we dug it out and never filled it with water. Well I thought this would be the year. After going to this class it's in the worst possible place (shade and below trees) so I've decided to bury it. :(
The second lecture was with Joy In the Garden. I loved it. It was so fun to go to a garden lecture and everyone knew a ton about gardening so it wasn't you basic beginner questions. This one was also depressing because I thought I could take our huge pile of tree mulch that is probably 10'x4 and 4 feet high and mix it into our clay soil. Nope, if I do that it will turn our plants yellow and probably kill them. But still I'm totally on a gardening kick and that is all I want to do this weekend. I'm also hoping to go organic because I never knew all the damage that Miracle Grow does.
Then while looking at Joy's site I saw something called a CSA (Community Share Agriculture). You pay money now and then each week (for 18 weeks) you get a box of vegetables. I think I'm totally going to sign up for it because last year my goal was to go to the Farmer's Market all the time. Yea, I never made it. Also I found that my friend growing up does this and his is the most reasonably priced one. So check out East Farms.
Tomorrow is National Scrapbook Day and tons of sites are having crops on their website and free kits and classes and tons of stuff. I'm also having a crop at my house that I'm excited about. If you aren't going to my crop (or before mine) you should check out Heartland because they have some make n' takes. Also check out 2peas because they've got different things planned for every hour.
Also for those outdoorsy people out there that most likely aren't reading this. There is a kayak swap tomorrow (5/3) from 9-1. It's at the Open Classroom at 134 D Street in the Avenues of SLC. We're going to check that out.
Now for some terrible news. For Tad's upcoming birthday his mom got him a cell phone. Some of you might not know that I totally hate cell phones so I keep teasing Tad that we might have to go through marriage counseling to get through this hard time.
So I know that Tad's mom got him the cell phone...what did YOU give Tad for the birthday??
Thanks again for letting Logan come play!!
Well . . . this only means one thing . . . in a few years, you'll be a cell phone addict and walking around with a blue-tooth device in your ear.
Last year at the Farmer's Market I saw the CSA there and they just about got me signed up. If I remember correctly, it's sort of pricey, but worth it. If you sign up, let me know and I'll sign up with ya. :)
Hallelujah! It is about time you two joined the 21st century! I think I'm going to send Tad's mom a thank you card...
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