Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bow Ties with Tomatoes, Feta, and Balsamic Dressing

I made this for the ward party last month and got several compliments so I'm going to share. The original recipe is here but I pretty much doubled the recipe so you might not want to follow their directions. Also I was expecting a really flavorful salad because of the balsamic vinegar but it's not overpowering at all. It's bland in a good way. Can you tell I don't watch the Food Network?
1 package uncooked farfalle (bow tie pasta)
2 cups grape tomatoes, halved
2 cups seedless green grapes, halved
1/2 cup thinly sliced basil leaves
4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons chopped shallots
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
8 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
6 oz. crumbled feta cheese
1. Cook pasta according to package directions, omitting salt and fat. Drain. Run pasta through cold water to cool it and drain. Combine cooked pasta tomatoes, grapes, and basil in large bowl.
2. While past cooks, combine vinegar, shallots, mustard, garlic, salt and pepper in a small bowl, stirring with a whisk. Gradually add oil to vinegar mixture, stirring constantly with a whisk. Drizzle vinaigrette over pasta mixture; toss well to coat. Add cheese; toss to combine.
The original recipe served this as the main course to a meal but since I chilled the pasta and wanted it as a side salad I liked it better that way.
Well gotta go the visiting teachers should be here and then I have a date with Jordan Catalano. The last DVDs arrived so don't worry there will soon be an end to all the My So-Called Life references.

Monday, September 28, 2009

PSA - Go see the leaves.

Unless you don't like drives like this then just stay home. We went up American Fork Canyon to Cascade Springs this weekend and it was gorgeous. Logan loves to be outside and his new thing is he'll say, "Mom, I'm running!" or "Mom, I'm jumping!' So here is just one of his running shots.
Love this little serious look on Logan's face because he's always smiling unless he whining for more Elmo or Percy.

Hey, this could be coming to a Christmas card near you.

Let's see can't think of another leafy thing to say. I've been watching Freaks & Geeks and it's hilarious. I want to just kiss Sam Weir, he's such a cute little brother. Okay that was out there but if you watch the show hopefully you'll understand what I mean.

Look more red leaves.
Oh look Grandma and Grandpa must be doing something funny for Logan to laugh.

Here Logan is pondering how evil that Russell is on Survivor. Seriously does anyone watch this show anymore. I'm only watching because it's in Samoa but I'm totally sucked in, big time and no one to discuss it with.
I know totally shocking but we went to Cabella's on the way home. I didn't think I'd ever go there. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but then it was. I'm so grateful my husband skis rather than hunts. I think hunting is so expensive and such a waste of money. I did think all the stuffed animals were kind of cool. It was probably even better than going to the zoo - it smelled better, no chance of the animals escaping and eating you, you can get a lot closer to the animals and not worry they'll go in their caves and you can't see them, also did I mention it didn't smell.
Tomorrow is the last day of the Making Memories warehouse sale so you should check it out.
This boardwalk is where we were waiting to hear Logan say, "Mom, I'm jumping!" Thank goodness that didn't happen because you usually hear that after he jumps.
Just one more picture to entice you to get up in the canyons and see the leaves. Now wasn't my randomness much better than me narrating our never ending leaf photos.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Labor Day & The Fair

Okay so I haven't been doing too good at updating this thing. Sorry, it's just I'd rather stay up till midnight crafting away than getting back on a computer. Well I didn't do so good at updating in August but I'd say we did really good and not dining out in August. There were only two weeks that we went out to dinner twice in a week. That doesn't mean I was cooking tons but there was tons of spaghetti dinners and sandwiches. Also it felt like I was constantly loading the dishwasher and I never had a sink that didn't have dirty dishes in it. That wasn't fun.
So for Labor Day weekend I went up to Swiss Days. Why do I go up there almost every year? Every year I say it's going to be my last. It seriously is a mad house and I think it has totally overgrown the two days and it's just not pleasant at all.

Saturday I recovered from going to Swiss Days and we just worked on some house projects and I'm sure I'll do some big post on our yard this year because seriously it looked amazing. Most people wouldn't think so but with what it started out as it looks so much better. Plus I don't think we've ever kept our lawn green all summer. Tad says he totally thinks it's because of the June rain.

Sunday we had a family Weenie Roast that was a lot of fun. We even had my cousin Jeff come out which we probably see him once a year. Here's Savannah & Logan playing in the sand box. Cute Baby Miles is always such a smiley guy, not sure what he was smiling up in the trees (probably all the wasps).Then had to put in a shot of Tad's sexy little brother, Nate. I'd love to say ladies he's single but I really like his current girlfriend. Sorry.Then on Labor Day we went to the zoo. Is it just me but I thought the zoo was pretty lame. I hadn't been there since I was 12 but I just remember it seeming so much bigger and so much cooler. Yeah it was lame and hot and kind of ghetto. I took some photos but I don't really like any of the photos so I'm not going to waste the web space. Also the train broke down while we were on it. I'm so glad we got to ride it because Logan LOVES trains but luckily we made the last train.
Now onto the Utah State Fair. My favorite thing at the fair is to watch the people and see what people are selling. I could write a novel on my observations, concession marketing tactics and other random stuff but it probably only amuses myself so I won't. Well one thing (probably the only thing) that was super cute at the fair was this booth right behind the grand stands sponsered by the FFA. You go in and your little one is a farmer. Logan totally loved it and it was so stinkin cute.
Here is Logan and daddy planting their onion seed. I had another shot but how great is this one with Tad sticking his tongue out because he's concentrating. Love it. He'll probably kill me when he sees this post at school Tuesday. Here's Logan riding the tractor. We almost had a melt down getting him off of this but we diverted that by the lamb he had to get wool from.

We then went around to see all the animals. Logan hated all the animals but the chickens. Might be because they didn't smell so bad, weren't trying to eat him, he's bigger than them or our neighbor had 4 chickens Logan would watch all the time. Anyways, the fair was a lot of fun even though it sounds like I hated it. I can't wait till next year to see what amazing things they are selling and to see the crowds. I'm going to try to talk Tad into maybe wearing 'costumes' next year so we fit in more with the crowd. ;)

So this post is all ready unbelievably long but I'm so excited for new tv. I'm shocked I'm saying that because I didn't watch tv all summer except my Netflix movies and I didn't miss it at all but I after watching Vampire Diaries I'm reading for it to be on. Did anyone else what Vampire Diaries? What did you think (come on Bev I know you watched)? I'm so into vampires right now so I loved it. No, my obsession with vampires has nothing to do with Twilight.

Just curious, which show are you most excited to see new episodes?