Friday, July 24, 2009
23rd BBQ
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Legacy Parkway
Here are Logan and Savannah in the bike trailer ready to go. These two are so loud when you put them in the trailer together, it's really funny. We went down there once with my whole family, even my parents rode their bikes.Here we are at Dump Lake, I mean Bountiful Pond. It's actually really pretty here but I won't be eating any fish that comes out of that lake since it's so close to the dump. We even got Teisha and kids to go on a bike ride when they were in town. We miss you guys all ready but we'll see in October in Florida. YAY!!!It's also fun to feed the ducks at the pond. Tad wants to go kayaking out on the pond.See I told you it was pretty.
So if you haven't gone down to Legacy I totally recommend it. If you're ever looking for someone to go with you call us because we'd go in a heartbeat.
Two helpful hint, if you're rollerblading probably don't go to 500 South unless you want to go down the big overpass. We went t0 2400 South and that was totally flat and didn't have to worry about a crazy hill. There also are no bathrooms or water down there so plan accordingly.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Busy as Bees
This summer we also have taken a lot of bike rides. It's been a lot of fun. Logan absolutely loves the park and he now can yell it and then goes running down the driveway to go to the park. Scares the crap out of me since we have that busy street we live on. We've been too busy to go on any bike rides lately (also it's been too hot) but here is some photos we took when we went to Mills Park. They have a bunch of trails throughout the park that are fun and you don't have to worry about getting hit by cars.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Memphis and the Other Embarrassing Story
Okay now for the part of this post you've all been waiting for. Okay I have to give some back story to this. So when we were in court we were on the 11th floor. The men's bathroom is on one side of the elevators and the women's on the other. When the female jurors needed to go the bathroom during our breaks they wouldn't allow us to go in there because you aren't supposed to talk to the jurors or have contact with them.
Well during one of our breaks the bailiff just told me to go down to 10. So I run down to 10, use the restroom and I'm washing my hands when a juror walks into the restroom. No not just any juror, a male juror. I just told him I thought he was in the wrong one. So he goes back to the door and opens it and sure enough it says Men's. I'm just dying. This juror was so nice and knew I was humiliated and just says, "I'm going to just laugh at you when we go back in court and know you went in the wrong one." I was just dying because I didn't want to say a word to him since you aren't supposed to talk to them at all.
So for the rest of court (a little over a week) I just was dying because I couldn't explain my stupid mistake. Just to be clear there were no urinals in there that I could see just stalls so I had no clue it was the men's and I obviously didn't read the sign.