Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tad's Birthday

So his birthday was on the 16th. We didn't have any big plans but I think Tad still had fun. Friday we went to Angels & Demons. Loved it and it was nothing like the book but it's been quite awhile since I've read it so the movie just made me want to read it again. Ewan McGregor made a hot priest.

Saturday Tad started off the morning by going mountain biking with his brother. Then Texas Roadhouse for a late lunch. Then to the driving range with my dad to hit a bucket of balls. Then bowling with the FFF which should include Evans since they've been to so many FFFs. Logan got to go bowling for the first time and got two stikes (that's without bumpers too). Jared also got 7 strikes in a row. Sorry Jared it's a bad picture but there is your score so you can tell your grandkids about that game someday.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Puttin' in the hours

I honestly don't know where the last month and a half went. I have this scrapbook kit that you're supposed to take a picture each day, well let's just say I haven't been taking many pictures because they would all just be pictures of work. Since I've been at work a lot more than I've been at home the last month and a half here are some things that have kept me sane.

My SansDisk Sansa Fuze. I love it because it has radio and I can record off the radio. I haven't loaded any songs on there yet because I really need to overhaul our home computer because I'm sure it will crash if I add another program but I'm loving the record feature so I have my favorite songs on the radio on there right now. So far it's proving to be sturdier than an iPod which is good since I'm so clumbsy and broke mine years ago.I have pretty much zero decorations in my office. Can't find anything I like and feel like it's just too much pressure to figure out what to put in there. So here is a note that Aisha gave me during a meeting we were at. The speaker used the word below and we've made it a goal to incorporate it into our vocabulary. This next one is a really blurry photo but it makes me giggle every time I read the middle fortune. I got this at our firm's Friday lunch. It states, "You will soon be changing your present line of work." Kind of funny to receive at a work lunch.
The next one is just the view from my window that I'm so glad Key Bank Tower isn't there anymore so I can have one. Also the laptop that I all ready miss because I did a ton of work on that thing at home. Okay maybe it is a good thing I don't have that anymore.I brought in these lilacs when they were in bloom for some aromatherapy. They smelled so good and I'm sure they helped me get through the stressful days. Hee! Even though I've been away from Logan a lot, it's been a good thing too. He is such a mama's boy but now he totally gets along with Tad and I think he now prefers him so this is a very good thing for the upcoming month to come.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Weenie Roast Part Deux

A couple weeks ago we had another weenie roast. We had more light for this one and the temperatures were a lot warmer. Other than my son being extremely whinny it was a lot of fun.
Tad, Brittany and Baby Miles.Mindy, Tim and KirstenSvanna being so nice and pulling Logan and Jack around the yard.Apryle and HaydenThe Beans.Mindy and Jack

Thursday, May 14, 2009

This weekend

I have to pass this along because I really want to go. The Living Traditions Festival is this weekend at the SLC & County Building. I'm dying to go because it looks like there will be amazing food there. I just want a sample of each thing. I'm going to try to eat lunch there on Saturday but who knows if that will happen since it's Tad's day. Here's a list of food available.

Also go see Angels and Demons. I've heard it's better than DaVinci Code but I'm still not having too high of hopes for it. If you haven't read the books, do it, they are so good even if the movies stink.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I absolutely love my yard this time of year. I stepped outside and it smelled so good. We have several trees that are blooming plus all the lilacs are blooming. If you've never smelled lilacs you have to, it's my favorite scent. Also everything is just so green. I love it. It's not a fun time for Tad. He's allergic to everything. It also looks like Logan has allergies too. This was taken Easter Sunday in front of our walnut tree.
We recently got a bike trailer so we can go down to Legacy Parkway with Logan. He loves to be outside as much as possible and thought he'd love this. So far we haven't been able to use it much due to very busy schedules and rain. Hopefully this weekend will be nice and sunny and we can go for a ride. Here is Logan with his cousin Savannah.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Little Helper

A couple weeks ago I was able to work in the yard all day. Logan absolutely loves to be outside. He just wanders all over our backyard and loves it when the kitty is over because he follows it around the entire yard. I just need to figure out how to teach Logan to not walk through my flower beds, I'll be amazed if I have any flowers by the end of summer.

These are my workers on their lunch break. They are easy to please, just get them some chicken nuggets and fries and they are happy.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


A couple Sundays ago we went down to 400 South and took pictures in the daffodils. I tried doing this last year but there were way too many homeless people around. The best time to go is about 5:00 because then they are all at the shelter eating dinner. The daffodils were gorgeous, the little boy however wasn't very cooperative.